Our healthcare system has separated physicians from having real relationships with their patients. Every year the frustrations increase, getting worse and worse for both physicians and patients.
It is now bad enough that the risks of leaving the cartel system don't outweigh the freedom and joy of your own practice.
There are too few DPC practices.
There are too few DPC patients.
And getting patients can be harder than it looks. This is why DPC-Marketing was created.
It's about increasing the adoption of DPC. It's about increasing the number of DPC and membership medicine practices.
Here you'll discover marketing principles to gain more patients. You'll hear about successful business strategies and find out how to apply them to your DPC or membership medicine practice.
The goal of DPC Marketing is to be the place where we can uncover and learn the best practices for rapid panel building, increased patient retention, and other important aspects of building your DPC practice.
There is an alternative to the healthcare failure system and you never have to work in it again if you have enough patients.
At it's core, medicine is about people helping people. We need to return medicine back to its core.
My name is Andrew Gitschlag and I'm the owner of DPC-Marketing.com.
Here are a few things about me:
Let doctors do what they do best and put the patient first.
Everything else that doesn't benefit the patient or physician needs to be eliminated.
There is simply no substitute for experience.